Friday 19 May 2017

coke cola advertisement
what is the overall effect of the design?
the overall effect of the ad is colorful and busy .

what about the image immediately get your attention?
Honestly, the colors get my attention because they are so bright.

Does the image appeal to the emotions?
yes it does because the image appears of sexuality. So i guess that's why the colors are so bright.

Does the image make an ethical appeal?
I don't feel like it's has a ethical appear abut it's has some awesome qualities like a boy having a crush on a boy.

What is the relation of print to image? does the image do the most of the work, or does it serve to attract us and lead us to read the text
the image does do most of the work because it's that and the song
commercial advertisement-make up
who is the speaker: the speaker is Adriana Lima

who is the speaker or author's intended audience?
the commercial is for any young woman that like make up .

how do I know who is the audience is?
I can tell that it's for young ladies is because of the model who is a young woman.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Le rouge lipstick from L'Oreal Paris

Who is the audience for the advertisement? How can you tell? What assumptions do the advertisers?
The audience for the advertisement is girls from 16-27 or even older because the model is young. The model said that the lipstick will make you bold and it can stay on for 10 hours.

Is this a populist advertisement ? or an elitist one? how can you tell?What tradition or standards does it?
yes, It's a popular advertisement because Gwen Stefani is in it and also she seems pretty happy while posing with the lipstick on.

What is your prior knowledge of this product? of the advertisement? How does this help you understand?
I dont really have knowledge or understanding of this product because i never have tried it before.

In what ways is the ad designed to manipulate you into buying the product? what emotions does it play upon?
the ad manipulate into buying the product was how good it look on Gwen and also she looks pretty happy with it on.

what unstated message does this ad convey? What theme does it employ? What does the ad tell us about America?
the unstated message is that you will be in Luxury and that you forever be bold. It's tell us that America loves their make up